All the things coming

Man, I haven't written a blogpost in forever. Can you forgive me again? Can you? Pretty please, I promise I will be better again.
So much has happened in the last time and I've actually been out of order for two weeks, too, so those two weeks I didn't do any writing, or any reading at all. I missed it. I missed it something fierce! Took me a while to get back into the swing of it, too, but then, that was to be expected really...

Anyway, I did finish writing Book 1 and 2 of my Angelbond-Trilogy in March and April, and I'm super happy to announce that glamorous and amazing Marisa-Rose Shor from Cover Me Darling will be doing a shooting just for those covers. She's an amazing photographer and designer, and she brings the best models to the table. I'm so eager to see those pictures and work with your, you cannot guess how I feel currently! We've bought a lot of props and things to make this come as close to my imagination as we can, just so you guys, too, can see what's been in my head all along.
Well, what else ... I signed up for another signing, and while I always thought that Belfast was going to be my first signing ever (it's in 2018) I actually got into a signing earlier than this ... in October 2016 in Dublin. It's literally a dream come true because I love Dublin and there are so many amazing authors there that I know one or two of their fans will get lost and strand at my table. A girl can dream, right? That said, I updated my website to include an events-page and you can check out where to meet me here. I sure hope to see some or two of you there.
Then, after finishing a book is before starting another one. I am set for all the books this year, and the releases I planned, so basically I'm bonus - writing since May. ;-) It just means that I can tell you for sure which books will be released when in 2017. (Isn't that crazy and awesome?) Also, I definitely know which books will be released this year, and if everything works I'll be having exlclusive paperbacks in Dublin that will be released only the week after the signing. After all, I heard I have to offer the people something.
And last but not least, I reworked my website a little so that we have news and events now. I will do my best to keep it as updated as possible, just sometimes I get lost in the writing. That was it for today and more to my releases you'll hear soon. Stay tuned! ;-)
Hugs and kisses
